Milling, Sieving, Blending, Repackaging, Drying, Pelletising, Metal Powders, Storage & More
The Milling, Screening, Blending and Repackaging plants at Pilamec processes a diverse range of minerals, metals, and materials, many of which could be difficult to handle without the specialised expertise of the production operators.
Pilamec has gained a reputation for developing solutions to solve difficult and unusual processing problems through their experienced technical team. Projects have included:
With extremely fine particle size distribution used in applications such as explosives through to medical equipment.
Milling and sizing ceramic by-products for reintroduction into customers' new product blends.
Processing to granular/powder form, inorganic materials used in the Construction and Agricultural Industries.
Milling Ferro alloys to controlled particle sizing for use in for example the Automotive and Aerospace Industries.
Blending of materials either supplied by the customer or after size reduction can be performed to meet specific requirements.
Milling scrap plate glass to powder form thus recycling what had been previously a scrap product.
Milling scrap metals to a form suitable for reintroduction into foundry melt charges.
Customer-specific product formulas are blended to specifically agreed percentage ratios. The blended product can then be packed into the agreed packaging.
Sieving of contaminated products to remove unwanted debris
From the beginning of any project, small or large, through to final processing and supply, Pilamec’s experienced technical team provides support and advice.
This consultation ensures that the finished product meets the customer’s specifications including size reduction; drying; pelletising; briquetting; blending; packaging; and traded powders.